divendres, 26 de novembre del 2021

Reunió Multidisciplinar Online en Malalties Autoimmunes-Fòrum Català de Malalties Autoimmunes (FOCMA) (16 de desembre de 2021)


El dijous 16 de desembre de 2021 de 17:00 a 20:00 h es durà a terme la REUNIÓ MULTIDISCIPLINAR EN MALALTIES AUTOIMMUNES-Fòrum Català de Malalties Autoimmunes (FOCMA), que aquest any es realitzarà en format virtual (webinar pel Canal YouTube d'Aula Clínic) i que es dedicarà principalment a les malalties mediades per alteracions del complement (complementopaties), com la síndrome hemolítica urèmica, les vasculitis associades a ANCA o la síndrome antifosfolipídica catastròfica (veure programa adjunt). 

Aquesta reunió compatará enguany amb la participació dels Drs. Francisco Lozano, Gerard Espinosa, Miquel Blasco, Lucio Pallarés, Ricard Cervera, Gema Ariceta, Anna Manonelles  i Ignasi Rodríguez-Pintó.

Veure programa: http://www.aulaclinic.com/cursos/803/reunio-multidisciplinar-en-malalties-autoimmunes-on-line

La inscripció és gratuïta, però cal registre previ a través de l'enllaç següent: www.aulaclinic.com

Enllaç per a veure l'enregistrament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYmFhPLR0Xk&t=24s

dissabte, 20 de novembre del 2021

AUTOIMMUNITY ORATION-2021: “The antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome: 40 years and counting” by Prof. Graham R.V. Hughes (Barcelona & Virtual, 25 November 2021)

We cordially invite you to attend the AUTOIMMUNITY ORATION-2021, Annual Lecture under the auspices of the UB-GSK Chair for Autoimmune Diseases, where Prof. Graham R.V. Hughes will deliver a talk on “The antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome:  40 years and counting”.

The event will take place on Thursday, 25 November 2021 - 9:30 am CEST (Barcelona time) at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona and will be showed by live streaming at the Aula Clinic You Tube Channel: https://youtu.be/xVR0auXIht8


The lecture will be preceded by the official opening of the UB-GSK Chair for Autoimmune Diseases by Prof. Joan Guardia, Rector of the University of Barcelona, Prof. Antoni Trilla, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Prof. Ricard Cervera, Director of the Chair and Vice-Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Josep Maria Campistol, CEO of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Prof. Antoni Castells, Medical Director of the same Hospital, and Mr. Ricardo Boedo-Facal, GSK representative.


Prof.Graham R.V. Hughes is Head of the Lupus London Centre in London, England, UK, and has made many contributions in the field of autoimmune diseases, including the original description of the antiphospholipid syndrome, also known as “Hughes syndrome”, to honor his researh on this condition. He was also honored as Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Barcelona in 2004.

Prof. Hughes maintains a close relationship with the Department of Autoimmune Diseases of the HospitalClínic of Barcelona and one of the most marked examples of this relationship is the annual event “Ten Topics in Autoimmune Diseases and Rheumatology”, a highly prestigious postgraduate course in this area of medical research which has been jointly held for more the 20 years.

Registration (free of cost) for the AUTOIMMUNITY ORATION-2021 must be done at the Aula Clinic website: www.aulaclinic.com

Videorecording of the AUTOIMMUNITY ORATION-2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVR0auXIht8