dissabte, 23 de gener del 2016

14th Medinterna International Meeting (Oporto, 4-6 February 2016)

Hello! My name is Paula Vaz Marques. I am an Internist and I work at the Autoimmune Disease Clinic in Centro Hospitalar S. João in Oporto, Portugal. I am a former fellow of the Louise Coote Lupus Unit in St. Thomas' Hospital in London (2001), as well as of the  Department of Autoimmune Diseases of the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona where I performed the Masters on Autoimmune Diseasesof  the University of  Barcelona (2010).
Currently, I am the Scientific Coordinator of the 14th Medinterna International Meeting that will take place in Oporto from 4th to 6th February 2016, under the direction of Dr. Carlos Dias, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Centro Hospitalar S. João. This year, we will discuss hot topics like Autoinflammatory Syndromes, ANCA-associated vasculitis and single-organ vasculitis, APS and pregnancy, rheumatoid fever and many other  topics.
I would like to invite you all to attend this event that, for the 14th consecutive year, brings together national and international  experts in the field of autoimmunity such as  Ian Bruce, George Bertsias, Jan Damoiseaux, Jan Willen Cohen Tervaert and Cees Kallenberg, as well as many of the Professors of the Masters on   Autoimmune Diseases of the University of Barcelona, such as Ricard Cervera, Gerard Espinosa, José Hernández-Rodríguez and Alfredo Adán, among many others.
During your stay you can enjoy the wonderful city of Oporto, one of  the best European tourism destinations.
Link: 14th Medinterna International Meeting

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